Friday, May 20, 2011

Lord, What Have I Done?

I don't believe all of this "end of the world on May 21" business. Jesus said that no man would know the day or hour of His second coming, and I take that quite literally.

That said, what if Jesus really did decide to come back to earth tomorrow? What if He comes back today? Or Sunday? Or in three years? It frightens me to think what He would say if I came before His throne right now. "Well done, good and faithful servant"? Somehow, I think not.

I've never really shared the Good News with anyone, which is a huge part of my reason for being alive. I've prayed for plenty of people, but it's usually muddled by distraction and half-hearted preoccupation. I often have a terrible attitude, even to those I those the most. I have a fear of witnessing, a fear of doing the wrong thing, a fear of doing the right thing. And I'm so confused.

Jesus, if you're reading this, please, please, help me get my act together. I am to be "alert and of sober mind" to be prepared for Your return, and I feel like a miserable failure. Show me Your Will and Your Way for my life, and give me the strength, courage, and wisdom to follow it.


  1. Thank you so much, Shelly! You're right, I needed a hug, and that was a great encouragement. It's wonderful to know that there's someone like you out there in cyberspace, taking care of me :)

  2. I loved this post. it was very helpful to me with some specific feelings I was having. That is witnessing to me...right there!

  3. Thank you, Tara! That means a lot.


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