Thursday, March 10, 2011

The NMS Covenant

Surely, at one time or another, you have experienced that sinking-stomach feeling that comes from looking at a bare cabinet or devastated refrigerator. Oh no, this can't be happening...there's nothing to eat in here

You're hungry for lunch and you certainly don't have the time to whip out Mastering the Art of French Cooking to browse for recipes. Not to mention the fact that lamb and scallions are a bit thin in your pantry. 

So where do you usually turn? 
Breakfast cereal? 
A banana and a cup of coffee? 
A yogurt cup? 
Gasp, a chocolate chip cookie? 
If you're a member of my family, you probably go to The Inevitable Sandwich.

Official symbol of the NMS Covenant 
(that's the Earl of Sandwich,
But that gets so boring after a while. And what good is food if it's not interesting? After a few banana-and-coffee lunches our brains start numbing to the pleasure of eating--a tragedy indeed. That is why I am trying to hold fast to the NMS (No More Sandwiches) Covenant. For lunch, at least, if not dinner on the road. 

I will do my best to not succumb, to never give up. To hold fast in the face of temptation. 

Here is the first product of my NMS creativity:

Can you even see the potato underneath all that? 

It was so simple to make, but so delicious! If you have 
  • a potato
  • part of an onion
  • some bell pepper slices
  • a couple mushrooms
  • a bit of leftover cheese
  • a dab of sour cream 
  • and a little olive oil

then this quick and easy lunch is a snap! Oh, and if you like tomato I suppose that you could add that to the mix as well. 

Just stir-fry all the veggies, throw the potato in the microwave for a few minutes on high, and then smoosh it all together; top with a glob of sour cream and grate cheese over the top. Season with salt and pepper to taste and you've got a fab lunch on the table in minutes! No sandwiches needed.

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