Monday, August 27, 2012

Capernwray: The Acceptance Letter

If you haven't been following my journey toward Britain on The Britophile Diaries, then you might not realize the awesomeness of this situation. Check out this post, this one, and this one to get an idea of what has led up to this point.

It's here: my official acceptance letter from Capernwray Bible School. 

I wasn't at home when it arrived, so when I talked to Mom and she said that an envelope from Capernwray had come, I felt a powerful mixture of emotions. Is this a good thing? Will it be the letter I've been awaiting for over a year, or will it be a kind but firm rejection? I begged Mom to rip open the envelope and tell me what was inside, and it seemed to take her forever. Still, I tried to quiet myself. 

I've put this into the Lord's hands, after all. Whatever is in that envelope is His will. I honestly think that I was prepared for a yes or a no. Certainly I would have been crushed at a negative reply, but I would have been sure that it came through no fault of mine; it was just a door that God chose to close.

But the answer is yes!

I have officially been accepted into Capernwray Bible School's spring semester. God willing, I will be at Capernwray Hall in Lancashire on April 20, 2013, ready to begin three months of intense Bible study and immersion into the English experience. Can you possibly imagine how happy this makes me? When Mom told me the news I cried, right in front of a bunch of strangers.

So much hoping, so much waiting, so much uncertainty...and now I know. God has opened a door far wider than I could have imagined; through "coincidence" and circumstance He has paved the way for something that will change my life forever. I am thrilled at the prospect of sharing my future adventures with you, my fellow Britophiles. Who knows, without your interest and support I might never have made it this far!


  1. Praise the Lord!!!! Yay! Cannot wait to see what God is going to do!

    1. Thank you, Anita! May God bless all of your efforts :)

  2. I'm so badly wanting to go, too! Your post gives me encouragement that if it is His will, it will happen! Congratulations on your acceptance!

  3. That's fantastic, Lia! Would you be applying for this spring's semester?

  4. It wouldn't let me comment back normally lol sorry! I want to go for 9 months starting in September but its just so expensive! Are you going for this April?

  5. That sounds awesome! I will be going for the two month spring semester, and I'm probably going to wish I had more time. I hope that you will be able to get the money together, because it sounds like a fabulous experience.


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